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Tim Bray as Android Blog Editor, Google Sites and Mobile Contest

Tim Bray is now the new editor of this Android Developers’ Blog, exciting times for the Android Developers' blog, my wish is to further expand the knowledge on how to do certain things and on the side note build a better emulator where we could emulate consumers phone hardware. Let help and hope that Tim would bring android to the next level. More of this news on http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/04/more-blogginess.html

A Google Site? As i have switch job to being more on FrontEnd Programmer with Openrice.com, there im doing Android, CSS, Javascript, Flash, Bondi and a lot more. My love for Android and the mobile scene grows everyday. And one proof of that love a Google Site on Tutorials for Mobile Developers (Its super new)
http://sites.google.com/site/tutorialsformobileprogramming/android-tutorials, The android links are quite complete i suggest you guys to check it out.

Another proof is a site dedicated for developers around the world to get a chance to be the next big thing on mobile arena by wining contests that companies hosted, and that proof is http://www.mobileappcontests.com/

As other might notice, i havent been blogging lately, its because of the proof above and the rewriting of http://butiwanttowatchit.com/ from PHP to App Engine Python (http://www.niw2win.com/).

All Google? Nope as stated above i'm not working for them but how i wish (hope i wont fail again if i got another interview), its just im for open source, I love ubuntu, firefox, bondi widgets, cakephp, jquery and a lot more.

Hope the new services above would help my fellow developers :)

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