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Java - A Simple Thread (Sample Code)

1 : A simple thread

 package thanhcs.blogspot.com;  
 public class ASimpleThread extends Thread{  
      private int total;  
      private String threadNdame;  
      public ASimpleThread(int total, String threadName){  
           this.total = total;  
           this.threadNdame = threadName;  
      public void run() {  
           for(int i = 0 ;i < total ; i++){  
                System.out.println("Thread name : "+threadNdame + " -- "+i);  
      public static void main(String[] args) {  
           ASimpleThread a = new ASimpleThread(3, "Thread");  
           ASimpleThread b = new ASimpleThread(10, "Another Thread");  

Result 1 :

Thread name : Thread -- 0
Thread name : Thread -- 1
Thread name : Another Thread -- 0
Thread name : Another Thread -- 1
Thread name : Thread -- 2
Thread name : Another Thread -- 2
Thread name : Another Thread -- 3
Thread name : Another Thread -- 4
Thread name : Another Thread -- 5
Thread name : Another Thread -- 6
Thread name : Another Thread -- 7
Thread name : Another Thread -- 8
Thread name : Another Thread -- 9

2: A simple Runable Thread

 package thanhcs.blogspot.com;  
 public class ASimpleRunableThread implements Runnable {  
      private int total;  
      private String threadName;  
      public ASimpleRunableThread(int total, String threadName) {  
           this.total = total;  
           this.threadName = threadName;  
      public void run() {  
           // TODO Auto-generated method stub  
           for(int i = 0 ; i <total ; i++){  
                System.out.println("Thread name : "+threadName + " -- "+i);  
      public static void main(String[] args) {  
           Thread b = new Thread(new ASimpleRunableThread(10, "Another Thread"));  
           Thread a = new Thread(new ASimpleRunableThread(3, "Thread"));  

Result 2 : Same as Result 1

3: Thread priority

constants defiend in Thread class:

  1. public static int MIN_PRIORITY
  2. public static int NORM_PRIORITY
  3. public static int MAX_PRIORITY
We reuse source code of example number 2 below : "A simple Runable Thread" but at the main , we edit to

 public static void main(String[] args) {  
           Thread a = new Thread(new ASimpleRunableThread(3, "Thread"));  
           Thread b = new Thread(new ASimpleRunableThread(10, "Another Thread"));  
           System.out.println("get Priority : Thread a :"+ a.getPriority() +" Thread b : "+b.getPriority());  

Result 3:  Some thing change , right :3

4: Join()
add join() function to thread a and see what happend :)
code :
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{  
           Thread a = new Thread(new ASimpleRunableThread(3, "Thread"));  
           Thread b = new Thread(new ASimpleRunableThread(10, "Another Thread"));  
           System.out.println("get Priority : Thread a :"+ a.getPriority() +" Thread b : "+b.getPriority());  

Result 4: 

Thread name : Thread -- 0
Thread name : Thread -- 1
Thread name : Thread -- 2
Thread name : Another Thread -- 0
get Priority : Thread a :10 Thread b : 1
Thread name : Another Thread -- 1
Thread name : Another Thread -- 2
Thread name : Another Thread -- 3
Thread name : Another Thread -- 4
Thread name : Another Thread -- 5
Thread name : Another Thread -- 6
Thread name : Another Thread -- 7
Thread name : Another Thread -- 8
Thread name : Another Thread -- 9

5 : Staring and Stop Thread

package thanhcs.blogspot.com;  
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;  
 import java.util.Calendar;  
 public class DigitalTest {  
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{  
           DigitalClock d1, d2;  
           Thread dc1 = new Thread(d1 = new DigitalClock("VietNam", 0));  
           Thread dc2 = new Thread(d2 = new DigitalClock("Japan", 3));  
 class DigitalClock implements Runnable{  
      private boolean isRun = true;  
      private Calendar clock;  
      private String town;  
      public DigitalClock(String town, int different) {  
           this.town = town;  
           clock = Calendar.getInstance();  
           clock.add(Calendar.HOUR, different);  
      public void run() {  
           // TODO Auto-generated method stub  
           SimpleDateFormat timeformat = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss a");  
                clock.add(Calendar.SECOND, 1); // advance clock  
                System.out.println(town +" = "+ timeformat.format(clock.getTime()));  
                }catch(Exception e){  
      public void StopClock()  
           isRun = false;  

Result 5: 

Japan = 05:14:25 AM
VietNam = 02:14:25 AM
Japan = 05:14:26 AM
VietNam = 02:14:26 AM
Japan = 05:14:27 AM
VietNam = 02:14:27 AM
Japan = 05:14:28 AM
VietNam = 02:14:28 AM
Japan = 05:14:29 AM
VietNam = 02:14:29 AM

6 : Coordianting threads


7 : Synchronising threads.


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