K means clustering greay imag-source code demo in c# and java
In statistics and machine learning, k-means clustering is a method of cluster analysiswhich aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean [4]. In its most common form, the algorithm is an iterative greedy algorithm which converges to a local optimum after a certain number of iterations.
The algorithm works by first selecting k locations at random to be the initial centroids for the clusters. Each observation is then assigned to the cluster which has the nearest centroid, and the centroids are recalculated using the mean value of assigned values. The algorithm then repeats this process until the cluster centroids do not change anymore, or until the change less than a given threshold.
Link Source code DEMO : https://bitbucket.org/ThanhNguyen94/kmeandemo-java-c/src
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