Android Links 1
Today i would start a new trend to keep this blog alive, i wont be blogging as currently I'm not doing Android related but I would showcase 3 Android reads/sites/videos that could help developers with their android app.
Here are the first 3, enjoy :)
1) Developing for Android: Introduction
This is more of rules to developing im Android then an introduction, however it is essential to read it as it writes about why some Android behaves different between versions and what we can do for our app.
2) Google developer youtube
There are tons of videos that takes about how to develop on android.
3) Advanced Android Espresso
Video about testing in Android with espresso, it is from the recent AnDevCon.
Here are the first 3, enjoy :)
1) Developing for Android: Introduction
This is more of rules to developing im Android then an introduction, however it is essential to read it as it writes about why some Android behaves different between versions and what we can do for our app.
2) Google developer youtube
There are tons of videos that takes about how to develop on android.
3) Advanced Android Espresso
Video about testing in Android with espresso, it is from the recent AnDevCon.
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